Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Water Miracles Cure - Night Terrors

Night Terrors
Young children, usually from the age of three to about eight, sometimes suffer from frightening nightmares that awaken them and make it difficult for them to go back to sleep. They may exhibit feelings of utter terror, and be inconsolable. They may wake up screaming, crying, gibbering, and picking at their pajamas or bedclothes. Indeed, it may even be difficult to converse with them because they seem to be in the grip of the bad dream and unable to come out of it, even though they could be sitting up in bed and talking, albeit incoherently. In addition to disturbing the parents’ sleep, and even perhaps that of everyone in the household, it is extremely distressing to both the parents and the child. Night terrors can occur when the child becomes overheated and often overtired as well. Water is required to regulate body temperature, so ensuring the child is as hydrated as possible is one way to minimize the occurrence of these episodes. Water’s effect on the brain, its chemical processing, and mood also helps to prevent any further bad dreams. Water promotes better sleep patterns, and more comforting dreams. When getting a child into increased hydration it is very important to deal with the probable increased night urination as well. Provide the child with disposable padded paper underwear so that they do not have soiled sheets if they happen to urinate without fully awakening. Maintaining your child’s self-esteem through this process is just as important as maintaining his or her health.

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