Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Water Miracles Cure - Acute Dehydration

First let's look at an acute water-related emergency medical condition. Acute dehydration occurs when the body simply doesn't have enough water available to carry out basic life processes, foremost of which is regulating the temperature of the brain and keeping it operational. This can occur during periods of strenuous activity, especially during hot weather. This is the step beyond chronic dehydration, when you have even further depleted the stores of water in your body. Dehydration during exercise may show up as dry mouth, lightheadedness, headache, muscle cramps, or unusual fatigue. Relieve these symptoms immediately by drinking fluids containing electrolytes, such as sports drinks, and gradually catching up with pure water. More severe symptoms include shortness of breath, nausea, incoherence, fainting, or high body temperature. Appearance of these symptoms requires immediate medical attention. At this acute stage, the body simply cannot re-hydrate itself and must be assisted with medical procedures such as intravenous fluids and rapid cooling of the body under close medical monitoring. Acute dehydration is better prevented than treated, and can occur at any temperature if you are not taking in enough water. The danger here is that since most of us are in a chronically dehydrated state as a matter of course, any further depletion of water in our system can tip us over into acute dehydration very quickly. You could be a spectator at a sports game on a hot day, and get into a state of acute dehydration. Most of us are probably constantly teetering on the edge of having just barely enough, or not quite enough, water to adequately sustain our systems. That's like driving a car with the fuel gauge needle always pointing to E. Are we already driving on fumes, or do we have just enough fuel in the tank for one more trip? Then when we gas up, we only put in enough fuel to make the needle rise to the middle of the E. We'd wonder about the mental capacity of someone who did that to their car. Why do we do that to our bodies?

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