Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Water Miracles Cure- Depression

We have an epidemic of depression in our society. Depression is a serious illness that is often life threatening, and almost always incapacitating.
Depressed people see no value in trying to improve anything, and in the worst cases, see no reason for continuing to live.
Water: The Miracle Cure
They cannot cope with their families, with any setbacks, or with anything out of the ordinary. Making even the simplest decision, such as what to wear, can be overwhelming when one is clinically depressed. Deep sadness is a constant companion, and the accompanying stress increases the burden.
Depression is one of the primary side effects of chronic dehydration. The brain NEEDS water! You can alleviate depression significantly by
Re-hydrating, allowing the natural brain chemicals to do their jobs.
Tryptophan is an amino acid that converts into the neurotransmitters essential for adequate brain function: serotonin, tryptamine, melatonin, and
Indolamine. Tryptophan also helps regulate salt content in the body, as well as mood. Depression and some mental disorders have a direct relationship to the amounts of tryptophan, and its product serotonin, available to the brain.
Tryptophan is broken down more quickly in the liver when you are dehydrated. With severe depression, increasing amounts of expensive antidepressants, most known as SRI’s or Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors, are necessary to replace those chemicals, just to allow the person to function enough to get through the day. Even then, there are side effects that cause other pressures on the patient and their family.
If you are deeply depressed, there is nothing to lose by re-hydrating. Water is not going to hurt you. No other changes need to be made, only an increase in the intake of water. For depressed people, one change is about all they can handle at once anyway. It may take a monumental effort for the depressed person to integrate this change into the daily routine, but the benefits are immeasurable.
Although the results are different for each person, within about three days of working up to full hydration, depression can be lifted. Often, antidepressants cause insomnia, loss of sex drive, and other side effects. Getting back to your normal mood, and eliminating the side effects, can certainly be a miracle in your life.
Once you begin to see changes in your mood, you can discuss with your physician how you should wean off any medications that you may have been taking. DO NOT stop any medication without discussing it with your doctor first, and developing a plan to gradually reduce the dosage, with medical monitoring.
Of course, to keep that positive change, you need to continue to stay fully hydrated. Even though you feel better, don't fall back into the old habits that caused your chronic dehydration in the first place. If you do, your ailments will come back. It doesn't matter where you are on the “I feel lousy” continuum. Water is going to help you. All it takes is more water today than you took in yesterday. Continue to increase your daily intake of water.
Build on it day by day, until you are up to full hydration. Full hydration is half your body weight in ounces of water per day, plus another glass of water for every diuretic drink you consume.
Depression is such a soul-destroying disease, that if even only a small hope for relief is offered by drinking more water, it is worth the effort to try it.
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by drinking more water.

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