Monday, August 13, 2007

Water - Pure and Simple

Water: Pure and Simple

Thirsty? Before you reach for that soda, beer or sports drink, how about reaching for something that has been around since the beginning of time—water.
Water is one of the most pure, most essential nutrients on the face of the earth. We drink it, wash with it, swim in it and spend nine months developing in it. Every living thing consists of water: plants, animals and humans; each one of us is made up of approximately 70% water.

Water is an important and precious commodity. It’s so important that only 1% of the earth’s water is drinkable.

This clear, wonderful fluid is so effective that it can fulfill many tasks. It hydrates and replenishes lost nutrients; it carries waste from the body, balances body temperature, and keeps the skin elastic. Not only does it increase mental and physical alertness, but it can also provide a person with increased energy and help prevent illness by flushing toxins out of the system. That cool, clear substance is also critical to our survival; we can go for weeks without food but only days without water.

For weight management, water is essential. Documented in the article, Weight Control Begins with Hydration by Linda McDonald, RD, water can decrease a person’s appetite because thirst is usually mistaken for hunger. Those late night stomach rumblings can be easily quelled by indulging in a glass of H2O.
Water can help reduce fat deposits and eradicate excess fluids and waste, which, in some cases, people believe the opposite. The assumption is that too much ingestion of this pure liquid leads to water retention. This is a fallacy.
Linda indicates that when the body is deprived of water, it will hold on to it because it perceives the body is in danger of dehydration, hence the swollen hands, legs, and feet. If water is consumed properly, it is able to do its job effectively.

Dr. Fereydoon Batmanghelidj, MD, author of Your Body’s Many Cries for Water, has studied the effects of dehydration and the miracles of water consumption for over 20 years. His studies suggest that many degenerative diseases and medical maladies are the result of dehydration. He also points out that pain, not a dry mouth, is a strong indicator of being thirsty.
He maintains that a well-hydrated body can help cure, prevent and control a number of medical conditions, such as: diabetes, asthma, angina, migraines, arthritis, high blood pressure, heartburn, high cholesterol, kidney stones, and even morning sickness.

How can you tell if you are dehydrated? According to the article, Your Body Feels Great When You Hydrate by Urologist, Dr. Lawrence Ross, your urine will be dark yellow if you aren’t getting enough water.
How much is enough? The rule of thumb is to drink one-half ounce of water per pound of body weight per day. If you are more active, drink two-thirds ounce of water per pound of body weight.
Caffeinated and alcoholic beverages do not count; they can actually act as a diuretic and dehydrate the body. Sugary juices are also not recommended for hydration as they may lead to kidney stones.
Certain types of food can help top up your daily water requirements, however, stick to those foods closest to nature. That is, stick to fruits and vegetables; they have the most water content of all foods. Things like bread, for instance, or any other processed type food will not provide you with adequate water intake.

Okay, so you’re now convinced that keeping your fluid levels up is important for body, mind and soul, but how do you make it a habit? According to Marianne Woods Cirone in her article, Benefits of Drinking Water and Health Information on the Importance of Drinking Water, once you wake up in the morning, drink one to two cups of water or herbal tea. “These first glasses are so crucial because you are reversing any mild dehydration that may have occurred overnight, especially if you cut off your water consumption a couple of hours before bedtime in order to reduce nighttime trips to the bathroom.”

But, wait. What if the thought of drinking water bores you to tears?
Try these tips to spice it up: add a slice of lemon, lime or cucumber to your glass; fill a large jug with water and several ice cubes or use a frosty mug—when that cool, crisp water hits your throat, there’s nothing like it.

Benefit of Water to Lose Weight Naturally

Want to Lose weight? - it is so easy and fun:

... drink a glass of water and jump in the pool -

that's... almost it :)

I. Want to lose weight? Drink more water:

As seen previously, there are many benefits for our physique associated with the regular intake of water, including weight loss:

1. The higher the consumption of water, the lower the amount of fat deposited:
Studies have proven that a low consumption of water allows more fat to be deposited instead of being metabolized into energy.

Cholesterol forms the cell walls: the extensive manufacture and deposit in the cell membrane is a natural part of the design to protect cells against dehydration.

2. Water regulates all bodily functions, including the activities of circulating and dissolving.

"When the body is dehydrated, the lipids & cholesterol in the cell wall tighten up the wall and more cholesterol is deposited to prevent water from escaping from the cell" - Dr Batmanghelidj M.D.

3. Drinking water also ensures the proper work of muscles; this again prevents deposition of fat

Every enzymatic and chemical reaction of the body occurs in the presence of water. In addition, our bodies' proteins and enzymes are more efficient in solutions of lower viscosity (diluted), thus helping in weight loss and fitness.

4. Water helps to flush toxins out of our system; The more toxins in our body the less capable it is to lose weight.

Toxins are directly related to: processed food, chemical ingredients and flavors, chemically treated soil and plants, farmed animals products, not to forget water pollution...

Weight loss is not about fat - it’s all about acid...

Toxins produce acid in our body, changing the natural acid/alkaline balance:

So forget about fat grams, cholesterol, carbs, and calories: reaching your ideal weight is simply a matter of maintaining the delicate pH balance of the blood"

Weight Loss Diet:
It is a fact that drinking water suppresses our appetite (we often confuse thirst with hunger) - but skipping meals is not a solution for weight loss.

Water is not food and you should eat regularly and especially you should not skip breakfast if you want to lose weight. Water's role is to break down the food elements, aid digestion, transport nutrients throughout the body and flush out

II. Exercising in water is an effective way to Lose Weight

Exercise also increases the body’s "fat burning" enzymes to pull cholesterol from the blood for 12 hours after exercise." - explains F. Batmanghelidj, M.D. He has discovered the key to a longer, healthier, and more vigorous life. Your Body's Many Cries for Water - is a book where you can learn how to use water to:

Lose weight effortlessly and naturally, without strict dieting
Prevent and reverse premature aging
Water aerobics has an added benefit to natural weight loss:
It enables you to burn up calories much more efficiently. Compare the following estimates of calorie consumption for a 30 minutes workout:

Land walking: 135 calories / Deep water walking: 264 calories

Jogging on land: 240 calories / Deep water jogging: 340 calories

Water fitness programs can help you not only burn fat, but increase strength, improve flexibility and cardiovascular performance.

What Is Water Therapy?

Since diseases first began to plague the earth, man has continuously looked for the perfect medicine to cure all the sickness. At the same time, man is also looking for a way to prevent all the possible sickness for people to live longer and experience life to the fullest.

These ambitions of man have led to the development of medicine as we know it. Surgeons have become more specialized and expert in very sensitive areas of the human body such as the heart and the brain. These people can now operate without any fuss on a brain of a human or even the live pumping heart of man in the operating room. At the same time, there are also alternative medicines being developed and introduced to the public such as herbal capsules and herbal therapies.

There is one alternate therapy being introduced to the public and being constantly supported by various practitioners. This therapy is practically free, safe and can be done without the help of any specialist. The therapy is called Water Therapy.

Water Therapy is really simple. The person who wishes to undergo water therapy should prepare 1.5 liters of water everyday. The person then drinks them altogether and fasts for at least an hour from any food or drink and that’s it. You may wonder why 1.5 liters. It’s the estimated amount of water you can take so that you body can be cleansed with the use of water. Everyday the water will clean all the toxins found in your body and release them via sweat or urinal excretions.

Before we look into its effects, let’s all consider first the danger of this therapy. People have shown hesitation to this kind of therapy since there is a potential of water intoxication – a fatal disease that can happen from drinking water. This can be prevented by drinking clean waters and give intervals in drinking the whole 1.5 liters. People also showed hesitation since drinking 1.5 liters will make you urinate from time to time. This is true however, with daily intake of water; the body would eventually adjust to the water intake and you can act normally even with the daily intake of 1.5 liters everyday.

Now let’s take a look at the benefits water therapy has to offer. If taken properly, constipation can go away with only one session. Acidity are known to be cured with only two session. Diabetes can be controlled with only seven sessions. Hypertension can be controlled with only four weeks of water therapy, and even cancers are known to be controlled in the same amount of time. If person has pulmonary TB, three months of water therapy should do it. These facts were based on research and experience by followers.

This is actually an amazing therapy. However, if you are seriously ill, make sure to contact your physician first and get their confirmation before chugging down this volume of water. Sometimes there are patients who are advised against drinking too much water as they would be harmful to their own health. But if you’re not a special patient and see no complications in your body, start drinking and see the results in no time. You’ll feel healthier, stronger and cleaner inside and out.

Water As Medicine-Stay Fit Without Spending Any Money

Drink 1.25 liters of water (4 glasses), which has been kept overnight, early morning before sunrise & before brushing the teeth. Don’t eat & drink for 45 min. of course you wash & brush, after drinking. Do not exercise for 30 min. While following this treatment one can drink water only 2 hrs after meals. Even a healthy person can do this therapy to prevent illness in future. Beginners can start with 2 glasses of water & then increase it to 4 glasses.
Diseases Cured: Diabetes, Blood Pressure, Pain in the Joints, Heart Problems & fainting, meningitis, urine problem, uterus cancer, piles, stomach problems, bile, cytica, cough, old age problems like wrinkles, pimples, paralysis, bronchitis, asthma, leucorrhoea, acidity, swelling, fever, headache, anemia, obesity, tuberculosis, liver ailments, irregularity in menstrual cycle, gas problems, constipation & so on.

If people start ignoring the lure of fluids like beer and soft drinks, and stick to drinking fresh, pure water instead, one shall soon observe a marked decrease in the number of patients all over the world. Naturopathy has studied the therapeutic qualities of water under two distinct parts : (1) Internal Application (2) External Application. If you desire the benefits of this therapy, you must, as a prerequisite, get rid of a so-called `modern habit'-- namely ``Bed tea'' or the habit of consuming tea, the moment one wakes up, even without brushing teeth or moving out of bed. Never forget, you can start on Water Therapy only after you clean your mouth thoroughly.

In olden days, tradition urged people to consume about 1 litre of water, kept in a copper vessel overnight, after they woke in the morning and brushed their teeth. The water, reacting chemically with the copper of its container, reached the benefits of the same deep into the being of its drinker. A small amount of copper intake, daily, is very conducive to our well-being, health-wise.

1. The Internal Use of Water Therapy:

To initiate Water Therapy, drink 1.25 litres of pure, fresh water on an empty stomach each morning, after having starved for 8-10 hours the previous night-long. Please do not drink any less than 1.25 litres of water in the morning. Try consuming the entire quantity of water within 5 to 10 minutes. However, if in the initial stages of your therapy, you find drinking so much water rather difficult, you might start by drinking a quantity smaller than the prescribed 1.25 litres, and with time, graduate to drinking more and more water, till you reach the 1.25 litre mark. It is easy to determine this quantity : An average soft-drink bottle holds 250 ml. of liquid. 1 litre = 1000 ml. Gauging thus, 5 soft-drink-bottles-full will give you your daily 1.25 litres of fresh, pure water. This, you are to consume within 5 to 10 minutes. Make sure to give yourself ½ an hour of complete rest, after drinking the water. Exercises, moving bowels or bath can be taken care of, only after this rest-period. Make sure you don't eat or drink anything within 1½ to 2 hours of drinking water in the morning.

Benefits : Which are the ailments that can be cured or controlled by this form of Water Therapy? They are : Asthma, cough and other respiratory diseases, cold and sinus, acidity, constipation, dysentry, indigestion, infections of the intestines, piles, blood-pressure, angina (pain in the heart/chest), uneasiness etc. The above mentioned experiment, if carried out with lukewarm water instead of cold water, can prove to be more beneficial for people suffering from 'Vat'-related diseases. The juice of a whole lemon, if consumed with lukewarm water, with 1½ to 2 spoonsful of dry ginger powder added to it, can help a lot in such cases.

In case of 'Pitta'-related diseases, mix 1½ spoonsful 'Trikatu' (dry ginger, black pepper and piper longum) in 1.25 litres of plain pure water and add ½ spoonful of 'Trifla' (Almond, Beleric myrobalans and Myrobalans) powder to that, and use this mixture for water therapy. If one requires relief from Cough (mucus) related diseases, one should carry out this experiment, with lukewarm water. In 1.25 litres of lukewarm water, add : 1½ spoonsful of ghee made from cow-milk, 1 or 1½ spoonsful of salt and 2 spoonsful of honey. Some people drink coconut-water on an empty stomach every morning, which is a good habit indeed. There is no water as pure as coconut-water, which is rich in potassium and other mineral nutrients. If you have the habit of drinking coconut-water every morning, keep in mind the quantity of coconut-water you consume. If you consume 100 ml. of coconut water every morning, and are into Water Therapy as well, subtract 100 ml from the stipulated 1.25 litres of water (for Water Therapy) and balance the remaining quantity with pure water, for Therapy. The same instruction applies for the juice of wheat leaves and lemon-water. Subtract the quantity of wheat leaves' juice that you drink every morning, from the stipulated quantity of 1.25 litre water for Therapy. Likewise, subtract the quantity of lemon-juice that you consume, from the mandatory 1.25 litres of water you are to drink, and drink pure water accordingly, to make your daily, morning fluid-intake add to 1.25 litres

How does this form of Water Therapy act within the body?
(1) When 1.25 litres of water is drunk in a span of 5-10 minutes, after a night of fasting that lasts for no less than 8-10 hours, the pressure of water that grips the intestines, activates them a lot more than usual.
(2) Due to the sudden water-pressure, the bits and particles of food that adhere to the walls of the intestines, along with gases and other undigested materials, disengage themselves from the intestinal walls, dissolve into the inflowing water and leave the body along with the same. This in turn, gives the intestinal cells a new lease of life.
(3) The intestines are not the only parts of the body to benefit from this Water Therapy. The cells of the entire being get revitalized. When, after 8-10 hours of fasting, water is drunk, the insides of the body soak it up thirstily and as a result, every single cell of the body gets affected by the water-intake. The free radicles and toxic elements adhering to the cells, are literally pressurised into removing themselves from the cells, and then the body's in-built cleansing system gets rid of these unwanted elements very easily, afterwards. This sort of cleansing is good, in cases of cancer and 'metabolic' diseases. Water is directly related to the kidneys and that is why Water Therapy does away with impediments within and ailments of the urinary track very fast. Water Therapy not only destroys the bacteria of the urinary track but there is also a chance of ridding the body of 'Pathri' (Stone) with the same therapy.

(1) The first 3-7 days of Water Therapy could trouble the patient somewhat. He might suffer headaches and body-aches, as well as feel his head swimming. Sweating, nausea and loose-motions could also form parts of the 'symptoms'. If not all these, he might definitely experience a certain sort of uneasiness. The thing to keep in mind is that these are not harmful 'after-effects' of Water Therapy. These symptoms merely serve to testify that the body is getting rid of all the toxic elements trapped within its cells. Since these are not signs of harmful after-effects of Water Therapy, the therapy ought to be continued despite them. If necessary, the quantity of water drunk every morning could be decreased to a bearable extent. After a couple of weeks, when these disturbing 'symptoms' subside or die their natural death, the water intake can be increased to its stipulated level.
(2) Though this sort of Water Therapy is good for kidney and heart-patients, they are however advised to try it out only after procuring their physicians' permission and relevant guidance.

2. The External Use of Water Therapy:

This therapy has been divided into two major parts :
(1) Enema
(2) Bathing.

We will give you some never-heard-before information on the subject of bathing but first, let us discuss Enema: It is quite a tradition to use soap-water for the purpose of Enema, but we would not advice that. 'Herbal Enema' is far better. Castor oil, wheat leaves juice and lemon juice mixed in lukewarm water and used for Enema make the intestines clean and strong within no time. During 'Herbal Enema' the so-called 'chemical reaction' that takes place between the intestines and herbs, has no chemicals involved in it and as such, has no side effect, either. One should avoid Enema in the following cases:
(a) If there is a serious blockage in the intestines.
(b) If one is suffering from high fever.
(c) If there exists an ulcer or hole in the stomach or intestines.

Now to discuss Bathing, which is an integral part of Water Therapy. There are various ways of Bathing, amongst which you might be aware of Steam Bath and 'Kati' (Bath below the waist length) Bath. Steam-bathing facilities are only available in big cities, so let us suffice it to say that in this form of bath, even the tiniest pores of the skin open up in such a way as to allow a thorough cleansing of the skin, making it glow. The name 'Kati' bath itself suggests that this is the art of bathing the waist. It helps eradicate problems like irregular periods, piles, pain along the waist, diabetes, and sciatica. The sort of Water Excercises that are gaining popularity in the western countries now-a-days, have their roots in the principles of Kati baths. People are made to excercise, first in cold, then hot and then, in cold water again. For a Kati-Bath, the patient requires a bath-tub first, in which he is expected to remain in a sitting position for about 30 minutes, in lukewarm water-- his waist immersed in the same. You might not be aware of 'Friction Rub Bath'. Ancient Indian Granths have adviced one to massage / rub the head, neck, hands and feet after a bath, with the help of a dry towel. Acupressure points are strewn all over our bodies and as and when these points are pressurised, the bodies develop strength to combat various diseases, internally. During a 'Friction Rub Bath', you press and rub against these special acupressure points and increase your body's immunity power. If you normally finish your simple bathing ritual in 10 minutes, 'Friction Rub Bath' wouldn't take you more than 15 minutes! But only this much can instantly deliver you from: fatigue and body-ache, headache and burning sensations in hands and feet, high blood-pressure and weak functioning of the heart, indigestion and 'Jhunjhuni' (pins and needles?). This sort of bath is especially useful if one suffers from 'Sandhi vaat' and insomnia. All you have to do in order achieve such benefits is stand beneath the shower and rub your head as you bathe, applying some pressure.Rub your neck from left to right. Rub the areas around and even behind your ears, applying pressure.