Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Water Miracles Cure - Stress

Just about any study you look at demonstrates a significant link between stress and health problems. Most statistics indicate that fully 80% of disease and illnesses are stress-related. Water helps to reduce stress in a number of ways. First, you have to slow down in order to take in the required amount of water per day suitable for your body weight. It takes a certain amount of time to drink that much water.
By focusing on water and hydration, you are naturally beginning to think in a way that promotes and maintains your health. The availability of lots of water to drink makes you less likely to reach for coffee, colas, alcohol, or other substances that are stimulants or depressants, further stressing your system. Water’s role in allowing your cells, organs, and brain to function efficiently means that there is less physical stress on your body, and thus a reduced possibility for disease processes to start. Flushing out toxins reduces the potential for autoimmune and inflammatory diseases, and keeps any stress chemicals from lingering in your system.
Water’s effect on brain chemicals means your mood will be better, more positive, and you will inherently be more relaxed and in a better frame of mind, better able to deal with the inevitable obstacles and setbacks that occur in daily life.
Water: The Miracle Cure
In addition to internally making use of more water, you can use water externally to relieve your stress as well. Various forms of hydrotherapy such as water massages, swimming, and taking a relaxing bath, are excellent for reducing, relieving, and eliminating stress.

Water Miracles Cure - Seasonal Affective Disorder

Many women and young people suffer from a form of depression during the winter months. The theory is that Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) results from a lack of exposure to light over the months of November to March when the days are shorter and people remain indoors more often. However, we shouldn't discount the role water may play in this. During the summer, we naturally drink more water and take in more fluids because of the heat, and increased physical activity. We have a preference for cold drinks such as iced tea, juices, and soft drinks during the summer season. We also spend more time in and around water, where we can absorb some water through our skin. In the winter, however, we prefer hot drinks such as tea, coffee, and alcohol, many of which are natural diuretics. We also tend to remain indoors in heated accommodations that further rob us of moisture.
The usual treatments for SAD include phototherapy and antidepressants. Since we know depression can be helped by increased water intake, re-hydration should help SAD as well

Water Miracles Cure - Quitting Smoking

If you are trying to quit smoking in an effort to be healthier, water can help you here as well. The difficulty in overcoming an addictive habit lies in the physical dependence upon the substance itself, in this case nicotine, and in the habitual zed behaviors associated with lighting and smoking a cigarette. When you take on the challenge of re-hydrating your body, you interfere with both those persistent conditions. Water helps flush the nicotine out of your body faster. Engaging your hands, mouth, thoughts, and time in water drinking replaces the destructive habit of smoking with the constructive habit of drinking water. You are more likely to be successful in quitting smoking when you alter your habit to do something beneficial for yourself.

Water Miracles Cure - Night Terrors

Night Terrors
Young children, usually from the age of three to about eight, sometimes suffer from frightening nightmares that awaken them and make it difficult for them to go back to sleep. They may exhibit feelings of utter terror, and be inconsolable. They may wake up screaming, crying, gibbering, and picking at their pajamas or bedclothes. Indeed, it may even be difficult to converse with them because they seem to be in the grip of the bad dream and unable to come out of it, even though they could be sitting up in bed and talking, albeit incoherently. In addition to disturbing the parents’ sleep, and even perhaps that of everyone in the household, it is extremely distressing to both the parents and the child. Night terrors can occur when the child becomes overheated and often overtired as well. Water is required to regulate body temperature, so ensuring the child is as hydrated as possible is one way to minimize the occurrence of these episodes. Water’s effect on the brain, its chemical processing, and mood also helps to prevent any further bad dreams. Water promotes better sleep patterns, and more comforting dreams. When getting a child into increased hydration it is very important to deal with the probable increased night urination as well. Provide the child with disposable padded paper underwear so that they do not have soiled sheets if they happen to urinate without fully awakening. Maintaining your child’s self-esteem through this process is just as important as maintaining his or her health.

Water Miracles Cure - Nausea

Nausea is often an indication of dehydration. While there are some disease processes, such as the flu, that can produce a symptom of nausea, it is more frequently a sign that your body is unable to handle the current situation while dehydrated. A feeling of nausea while exercising is related to the lack of water and the subsequent inability of the body to regulate body temperature. Nausea during pregnancy, or morning sickness, as previously mentioned, indicates inadequate water resources for the fetus. Relieve mild nausea with increased water intake. If the nausea becomes severe, or cannot be relieved by three or four glasses of water, consult your doctor.

Water Miracles Cure - Morning Sickness

Almost every woman who becomes pregnant is alert to, and even expects to have, morning sickness at some point during the early part of the pregnancy.
Morning sickness or nausea upon arising from bed is a cry for water for both the fetus and the mother. One of the things we do to ease the nausea is to eat some crackers, perhaps even salted crackers, and then the dryness of the crackers prompts us to drink some water. It is the water that is the most effective in stemming the morning sickness, helped by the bit of sodium from the salted crackers to manage water distribution. Prevent morning sickness, or treat it, with copius amounts of water during the entire pregnancy. This will have multiple beneficial effects for both the mother and the developing child.

Water Miracles Cure - Migraines

Headaches are a sign of dehydration. Migraines are an urgent call for water. Migraines are often caused by inadequate temperature regulation in the body. Being overheated and dehydrated is a serious condition. The brain reacts to the urgent need for water by creating an incapacitating headache that prompts the sufferer to immediately reduce any level of activity, thus allowing the body to cool down. The migraine also initiates a desire for pain medication which is taken with much-needed water. If you are plagued by migraines, make a serious attempt to re-hydrate your body. To prove to yourself the benefits of increased water intake, take your baseline, as mentioned on page 21, noting in particular the frequency, duration, and severity of your recent migraine episodes. Then begin to increase your water intake and become fully hydrated. At regular intervals, perhaps based on the recurrence frequency of your previous migraines, look at your baseline information and see what has changed. Have you experienced any migraines since re-hydrating? If so, has the severity or duration changed? You should see some significant improvement if you have been diligent about taking in the required amount of water. If there has been little or no improvement after a number of weeks, there may be a more serious cause for your migraines. As always, ensure you are working with your physician to monitor and evaluate these changes in your health regimen.

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Water Miracles Cure - Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are small crystals (renal calculus) that form in your urine from poorly processed wastes, and an excess of acidic waste from meat and dairy that is not completely digested and eliminated from your system. Poor metabolism, dehydration, bad diet, and excesses of calcium, uric acid, or other substances can cause kidney stones. Prevention is much better than treatment, so eat better and be sure to keep your body fully hydrated to flush out the crystals while they are still tiny and able to pass painlessly through your ureters, bladder, and urethra.
If you are currently being treated for kidney stones, make a particular effort to get fully hydrated. Water helps the stones pass, and keeps the rest of the system flushed out so that there is no new accumulation of crystals.

Water Miracles Cure - Insomnia

There is nothing like being fully hydrated to allow you to have a good night’s sleep. Even though you may have to get up in the night to urinate, you can do so quickly, and then fall easily back to sleep if you have enough water in your system. Insomnia often occurs because of an overload of caffeine or stress chemicals continuing to act on the brain and the body when it is time for sleep. Caffeine is a stimulant, and when combined with conditions of daily stress, and other problems you may have, it just overwhelms the brain’s ability to process everything at once. In addition to helping your mood and relieving stress, increased water intake provides the optimum level of hydroelectric activity in the brain. It can then properly use the chemicals it produces to regulate all body functions. A glass of warm, slightly salty water, before bed, in addition to a commitment to full hydration, can help you get a good night’s sleep and allow you to better tackle each new day.

Water Miracles Cure - Heartburn

Pain anywhere along the digestive tract from esophagus to bowel can be alleviated with water. In particular, heartburn or dyspeptic pain is relieved by drinking water and ultimately achieving full hydration.
Water: The Miracle Cure
Heartburn occurs when some of the acid from the stomach flows into the esophagus. This may happen if you lie down after eating. It may also occur if the food in your stomach is so acidic and gas-producing that it fills the stomach and then has nowhere else to go but upward. The body is designed so that the acidic substances of the stomach, which are harmful to the tissues of the upper intestine, are neutralized by an alkaline environment produced in the intestine by chemicals from the pancreas. Without adequate water intake, the pancreas cannot do its job, and therefore cannot protect the intestine from the effects of highly acidic matter passing into it from the stomach. When this condition exists, to protect the intestine the valve from the stomach into the intestine simply does not open, keeping acidic material in the stomach, and causing pain. The newly-termed “acid reflux disease” is a condition of excess acid with nowhere else to go. Drink lots of water for relief.

Water Miracles Cure - Flu

Doctor’s instructions when you have the flu are usually to drink plenty of fluids. Instead of orange juice or tea, drink water to help your cells withstand the flu virus. While orange juice, tea, and hot lemon drinks may be comforting, they do not provide the significant benefit of water in aiding the immune system to fight off viral infection. If your flu symptoms persist, or are severe, consult your doctor or seek medical attention as you would normally. Some types of influenza, particularly those with the effect of pulmonary edema, are too severe to be treated at home with just water. Being fully hydrated helps the body stay healthy and fight normal diseases but it alone is not sufficient when there is a major assault on your immune system. Use common sense and seek medical attention for any condition that causes you concern.

Water Miracles Cure - Food Poisoning

One of the first symptoms of food poisoning is a severe headache. This is the body’s signal to drink more water. If you think something you ate is making you sick, water will help by diluting whatever is in your stomach and strointestinal tract, and it will help flush out the poisons from your system.
If you feel the need to vomit, any water you have consumed will further help to dilute the stomach acid and actually give you something to throw up.
Depending upon how long the bad food has been in your system, water will either help it up or help it down and out. If food poisoning has caused diarrhea, you will be losing water at a rapid rate, and can quickly become further dehydrated, so it is important to replace that water as soon as possible.
Continue to use any other methods that you would normally pursue to treat food poisoning, such as going to the hospital for severe symptoms. Water in addition to those methods is only going to help you rid your body of the poison as quickly as possible

Water Miracles Cure - Edema

As mentioned, edema is swelling in the tissues as a result of fluid buildup. This occurs when poor circulation, chronic dehydration, or other medical conditions prevent the adequate removal of toxic wastes from parts of the body such as the extremities. A common side effect of obesity is swelling of the feet and ankles. This can be alleviated in two ways: first, and most importantly, by drinking a great deal more water. Second, and concurrently, eliminate any diuretics such as coffee, cola drinks, and alcohol from your diet. The increased intake of water will help the bloodstream transport wastes away from the cells more efficiently. Stopping intake of diuretics allows the water you consume to remain in the body and do its job. You should notice a positive effect in about two to three days. Of course, it is then important to continue this new habit so that the edema does not recur.
As always, make sure your doctor is working with you to solve this problem.
Water: The Miracle Cure
One of the usual recommendations for conditions of edema in the feet and legs is to lie prone with the legs raised. This does indeed help the circulation mechanisms in the legs remove the buildup of wastes by using gravity to aid the blood in returning to the heart and lungs. It’s always good to take time to relax and put your feet up, no matter what the reason!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Water Miracles Cure - Dieting and Obesity

One of the most dangerous concepts that ever caught on in the mind of the public is the idea of “water weight” gain. It is dangerous to believe that water causes an undesirable weight gain, and that you can lose weight by eliminating as much water as possible from your body. If you take diuretics in any form in an attempt to lose water weight, you are forcing your body into dehydration, with potentially serious consequences. Water is necessary for life, and for the correct operation of all of the body’s metabolic processes, especially digestion and elimination. While it is true that some water retention may cause a slight gain in weight, it is not significant enough to be the cause of conditions of overweight or obesity.

We tend to gain weight when we eat the wrong types of foods — foods that are not properly ingested and eliminated from our bodies. When here is too much of any substance, be it fats, carbohydrates, or protein, and the body cannot keep up with processing it, the excess is stored, causing weight gain.
Water helps the cells process food into fuel, and eliminates the wastes. Water also helps give you a feeling of being “full” so that you are not tempted to overeat. Water retention occurs when the body has a need for water and is not getting enough of it coming in. Recognizing a potential drought, it hoards the water it has in order to keep the body functioning. A feeling of “bloating” is just a feeling of heaviness that has more to do with your mood than it does with your physical condition. However, bloating or water retention should not be confused with edema, which is swelling as a result of fluid buildup in the tissues. Any conditions of edema need to be checked by a doctor.

Water Miracles Cure - Constipation

Drinking more water can help the intestines, colon, and bowel move wastes through more easily. If you have been suffering from constipation, or even worse, impaction, then more water is just what you need. Some strong painkillers cause constipation because they act on histamine, the water distribution regulating chemical, in the body. Providing more water to the system overcomes any effects of these antihistamines, and makes water available to all of the physiological processes that need it to function properly.

Water Miracles Cure - Colitis

Colitis is one of the inflammatory bowel diseases that cause severe gastric and intestinal pain. We usually try to treat such problems with antacids, or stronger drugs. Any digestive problem, from ulcers, acid reflux disease and heartburn to colitis, Crohn's disease and irritable bowel syndrome, can be alleviated with water.
Much of our diet is acidic, in the form of meats and dairy products. Poorly digested acidic foods cause symptoms of pain and inflammation. Water helps in digestion, maintains the stomach lining so that stomach acid cannot cause irritation, and it transports waste matter through our intestines and bowel. Diseases such as colitis are painful, and they can be embarrassing as well. Re-hydration can reduce and even remove these problems.

Water Miracles Cure - Cholesterol

The manufacture of cholesterol is a natural body process that helps prevent cellular dehydration. However, cholesterol buildup in the body causes plaque or a hard clay-like substance to stick to the walls of our arteries, causing atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Higher levels of cholesterol occur when the body is dehydrated because more cholesterol is produced to assist the cells in maintaining hydration. Increased water intake reduces the production of cholesterol, and makes the plaque less “sticky”. To reduce your cholesterol levels, have a substantial glass of water before every meal, and maintain full hydration of the body.

Water Miracles Cure - Chronic Pain

Pain is caused when histamine comes across pain sensing nerves or receptors. There is evidence that if you suffer from chronic pain, you are probably chronically dehydrated, meaning you never have enough water in your body to make the pain go away. This is particularly true for arthritis and lower back pain. We know that if we don't oil the parts of a mechanism such as a car engine, friction will cause the parts to rub together, erode, and eventually grind to a halt. We can imagine the same thing happening to our joints when we don't have enough synovial fluid to lubricate the surfaces of the cartilage. Water: The Miracle Cure
Do you hear creaking, cracking or squeaking in your knees and elbows when you move? That is an unmistakable message that there is not enough water to “oil the hinges”. Our spine is cushioned by fluid-filled discs between each vertebra. Without sufficient water, these discs cannot refill after compression, and back pain results. Pain arises out of any number of conditions that indicate dehydration in the body. Hydrate yourself and notice the reduction of pain.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Water Miracles Cure - Chronic Fatigue

Almost everyone complains about being fatigued on a consistent basis. For some people, it is a constant condition, with little relief in sight. Stress places a huge load on our systems, releasing adrenaline and cortisol into our bodies to prepare us for fight or flight. In our society, however, neither of those options is usually available to us, and instead we freeze. We cannot act on the stressful situations we have in our workplaces, our homes, on the road, or out in public. The fact that there is increased violence both in the workplace and on the streets testifies to the level of rage that is always just below the surface of our society. After the adrenaline boost, and the hyper vigilance we experience during times of perceived danger, there is a letdown as the body removes these chemicals from the bloodstream. This sends us crashing into fatigue. After a while, we don't even feel the boost any more, it has become so common in our lives. We certainly notice the fatigue, though.
Beyond the continual stress that fatigues us, is the simple lack of nutrition going into our bodies day by day. Fatigue becomes a vicious cycle. We are too tired to make a proper meal, so we grab fast food, snacks, or microwaveable food. The lack of nutrients in the food causes us to be even more tired, and we are even less likely to choose a healthy food that requires time for preparation. This increases the levels of toxic wastes that must be processed by our system, because there are so few real nutrients in what we eat. Not only does it take digestive energy to process these nonnutrients, but our bodies must continually cope with the rush of adrenaline, the sugar boost, and the inevitable letdown. Being fully hydrated allows the body's processes to work at optimum efficiency. This means that they do not continually have to shunt energy from one process to another just to keep us alive and going. Again, it's easily tested. Top yourself up with water and see how your energy level rises as well.

Water Miracles Cure - Arthritis

Arthritis is inflammation of the joints, usually due to the reaction of the immune system to excess toxins in your tissues. It is a degenerative disease that scars and wears away the protective cartilages in your joint area, making movements painful, and sometimes twisting the joints out of shape. Degenerative diseases are also called autoimmune diseases. This means that our body's immune system turns against itself to attack and destroy what it perceives as substances that are harmful to the system. Toxic waste builds up in the tissues when there is insufficient water resource to remove the toxins from the cells and transport that waste to the elimination organs. The immune system correctly identifies those toxins as harmful and goes in for the kill. White blood cells, or macrophages, attack cells that have too much toxin in them. This causes inflammation and pain. Dehydration shrinks cartilage, making it less able to withstand stress and the buildup of toxins. But the toxins have to go somewhere, and since there is not enough water to carry them away, they build up around the cartilage sites. If you have any kind of joint pain, including carpal tunnel syndrome, start siphoning up that water right away! The only caution would be that if you have impaired kidney function, be sure you are working with your doctor on getting yourself re-hydrated. Take re-hydration slowly, and allow your body to catch up to a full state of hydration.

Water Miracles Cure - ADD and ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder are related problems that occur in the brain. Think about what was said earlier about being born in water. If mothers are increasingly dehydrated, and babies are born susceptible, their own dehydration that continues during their lifetime will intensify the condition. We know that the level of nutrition of the mother is vitally important to the health of the fetus. If our mothers are chronically dehydrated, perhaps we are creating a society of congenitally ill (meaning “from birth”) people without even realizing it. This may be just one of the reasons why our healthcare costs are skyrocketing. What if we started treating ADD with water, instead of Ritalin? If your child suffers from ADD and is on a course of medication, DO NOT changes the dosage or stops the medication except on the specific advice of your physician. Water: The re
However, you can certainly encourage your child to drink more water drinking more water is not going to hurt your child. In the early stages of
Re-hydration, it will probably seem as though the medication is more effective in controlling your child's symptoms. As his body is more fully hydrated, the regular checkups by your doctor will perhaps show that a lower dosage of the medication is indicated, and at that time your doctor will change the prescription if necessary, and continue to monitor the results. Any excess water is going to be eliminated through more frequent urination and increased sweating.

Most kids just aren't predisposed to drinking a lot of water, so it may be a struggle to try to get your kids to drink even the minimum recommended amount of water. Along with having them drink more water, encourage them to drink less of any dehydrating beverages such as cola drinks. Just this one change, adding more water to your child's fluid intake, could have benefits throughout his entire system, not just on attention and activity. It doesn't cost anything to try it, and if it works, think of what a miracle that will be! Disease prevention is always better than any cure. Take the baseline — find out just how much water, pure water, not flavored water, juices or sodas, your child is taking in. You may not be able to monitor how much he drinks from the school water fountain, but that amount is probably insignificant for the purposes of taking the baseline. If you can capture the information about what other fluids the child is drinking during the day that is valuable as well.
For every diuretic cola drink, you'll want to compensate with water in the same amount to return the body to correct hydration.
Get your entire family into the habit of drinking a full glass of water as soon as they get up in the morning. Tepid water, or just slightly cool, is the best temperature for this.
Do your child a favor, contact his or her teachers or send a note to school that notifies them of the child's increased need to urinate during this time.
The worst thing we can do is embarrass the child about having to go to the bathroom. That's risking a lifetime of emotional side effects from that kind of trauma.

Explain it however you need to: “Dear Teacher, please be advised that my son, Robert, is on a health plan that results in the need to be excused from class to go to the bathroom more frequently than normal. I would appreciate your co-operation in allowing Robert to excuse himself as he feels the need. If you require more information, please contact me.” Send another copy to the school's office for them to have on your child's file, and maybe even give your child a copy of the note to carry in his pocket, in case he gets stopped in the hall on the way to or from the bathroom. Most teachers and school officials will support you in this, especially when the results become evident.
If they still have questions, give them a copy of this book. Classrooms would probably be calmer places if school personnel were aware of the benefits of having children, and staff, drink more water. Another potential effect of re-hydrating your child is the possibility of wetting the bed at night. As was previously mentioned, the increased water intake will cause increased need for urination as well. Some children sleep so deeply that they cannot wake themselves in the night to go to the bathroom. It may even happen that the child dreams he is getting up to go to the bathroom, and begins urinating before waking fully to do so in reality.
DO NOT punish your child for this. (It can even happen to an adult who has increased their water intake!) Instead, obtain some incontinence pads or the padded paper underwear specially designed for the problem of night urination in older children. This will solve the problem of a wet bed and soiled sheets, and maintain the child’s self-esteem as well. Over time, the child’s body will become used to the increased water intake and accidents will be less likely to happen. Educating your child about the importance of proper hydration could save him from innumerable medical problems later in life.

Water Miracles Cure - Acne

Many people think that chocolate and fatty foods are the cause of acne, but this is incorrect. Acne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands under the
Skin that secretes an oily substance through the pores on the face, shoulder and back. These pores can become clogged and inflamed by bacteria.
About 75% of all teenagers and young adults suffer from acne. In some cases it is so severe as to cause scarring, and often results in a lack of self-esteem due to the effects on one's appearance. An increase in water intake to full hydration helps all of the glands in the body operate neither at peak efficiency, neither being overactive nor under active. In flushing out toxins, water cleans the cells, the bloodstream, and the skin, reducing the opportunity for bacteria to survive. Rather than assaulting the skin of the face with harsh cleansers and topical treatments, treat acne with an adequate intake of water. This will assist the body in regulating the acne-causing mechanisms in the first place, and alleviate the inflammation from spots and sores.

Water Miracles Cure - Aging

The process of aging is really one of degeneration and decay. Despite the incredible power of our bodies to regenerate after a bone break or a wound, over time this ability cannot keep up with the wear and tear of the world on our physical systems. If we were able to maintain perfect repair of our bodies, we would not age, apart from getting older chronologically.
Because water is a required component of our cell metabolism, and is the transport mechanism of the bloodstream, it is involved in all of these repair processes.
Think of the dry, cracked appearance of dehydrated soil or the lack of structure of sand. Only when sand is wet can we use it to build castles. It takes moist soil to germinate and grow a seed. Consider the difference between a grape, and a wrinkled-up raisin. Which is more appealing?
Similarly, our cells need that water to remain plump and in perfect peration. Dry skin is itchy, flaky and cracked. When we apply a moisturizer, the cells of the skin drink in that moisture and expand so the cracks or lines and wrinkles disappear.
Isn't it better to moisturize from the inside out? Instead of spending a great deal of money on antiaging creams, or worse, poisons like BoTox, we can have better effects from fully hydrating our bodies. Alzheimer's disease is also becoming more of a concern to our aging population. Knowing what we do about the brain's need for water, doesn't it seem reasonable that water may play a role in slowing or stopping the progression of Alzheimer's as well? Re-hydrating the elderly is certainly a matter of concern for a number of reasons, but if we can slow down or otherwise reduce the effects of Alzheimer's by simply having the patient take in more water, isn't it worth trying? Of course, if the patient has any elimination or incontinence problems whatsoever, this may not be the best course of action. But it's worth thinking about on a case-by-case basis. Re-hydrating an elderly person needs to be done carefully, with medical supervision. If you are not elderly, you can use water hopefully to prevent the onset of this disease in yourself.

Water Miracles Cure- Depression

We have an epidemic of depression in our society. Depression is a serious illness that is often life threatening, and almost always incapacitating.
Depressed people see no value in trying to improve anything, and in the worst cases, see no reason for continuing to live.
Water: The Miracle Cure
They cannot cope with their families, with any setbacks, or with anything out of the ordinary. Making even the simplest decision, such as what to wear, can be overwhelming when one is clinically depressed. Deep sadness is a constant companion, and the accompanying stress increases the burden.
Depression is one of the primary side effects of chronic dehydration. The brain NEEDS water! You can alleviate depression significantly by
Re-hydrating, allowing the natural brain chemicals to do their jobs.
Tryptophan is an amino acid that converts into the neurotransmitters essential for adequate brain function: serotonin, tryptamine, melatonin, and
Indolamine. Tryptophan also helps regulate salt content in the body, as well as mood. Depression and some mental disorders have a direct relationship to the amounts of tryptophan, and its product serotonin, available to the brain.
Tryptophan is broken down more quickly in the liver when you are dehydrated. With severe depression, increasing amounts of expensive antidepressants, most known as SRI’s or Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors, are necessary to replace those chemicals, just to allow the person to function enough to get through the day. Even then, there are side effects that cause other pressures on the patient and their family.
If you are deeply depressed, there is nothing to lose by re-hydrating. Water is not going to hurt you. No other changes need to be made, only an increase in the intake of water. For depressed people, one change is about all they can handle at once anyway. It may take a monumental effort for the depressed person to integrate this change into the daily routine, but the benefits are immeasurable.
Although the results are different for each person, within about three days of working up to full hydration, depression can be lifted. Often, antidepressants cause insomnia, loss of sex drive, and other side effects. Getting back to your normal mood, and eliminating the side effects, can certainly be a miracle in your life.
Once you begin to see changes in your mood, you can discuss with your physician how you should wean off any medications that you may have been taking. DO NOT stop any medication without discussing it with your doctor first, and developing a plan to gradually reduce the dosage, with medical monitoring.
Of course, to keep that positive change, you need to continue to stay fully hydrated. Even though you feel better, don't fall back into the old habits that caused your chronic dehydration in the first place. If you do, your ailments will come back. It doesn't matter where you are on the “I feel lousy” continuum. Water is going to help you. All it takes is more water today than you took in yesterday. Continue to increase your daily intake of water.
Build on it day by day, until you are up to full hydration. Full hydration is half your body weight in ounces of water per day, plus another glass of water for every diuretic drink you consume.
Depression is such a soul-destroying disease, that if even only a small hope for relief is offered by drinking more water, it is worth the effort to try it.
You have nothing to lose, and everything to gain, by drinking more water.

Water Miracles Cure - Acute Dehydration

First let's look at an acute water-related emergency medical condition. Acute dehydration occurs when the body simply doesn't have enough water available to carry out basic life processes, foremost of which is regulating the temperature of the brain and keeping it operational. This can occur during periods of strenuous activity, especially during hot weather. This is the step beyond chronic dehydration, when you have even further depleted the stores of water in your body. Dehydration during exercise may show up as dry mouth, lightheadedness, headache, muscle cramps, or unusual fatigue. Relieve these symptoms immediately by drinking fluids containing electrolytes, such as sports drinks, and gradually catching up with pure water. More severe symptoms include shortness of breath, nausea, incoherence, fainting, or high body temperature. Appearance of these symptoms requires immediate medical attention. At this acute stage, the body simply cannot re-hydrate itself and must be assisted with medical procedures such as intravenous fluids and rapid cooling of the body under close medical monitoring. Acute dehydration is better prevented than treated, and can occur at any temperature if you are not taking in enough water. The danger here is that since most of us are in a chronically dehydrated state as a matter of course, any further depletion of water in our system can tip us over into acute dehydration very quickly. You could be a spectator at a sports game on a hot day, and get into a state of acute dehydration. Most of us are probably constantly teetering on the edge of having just barely enough, or not quite enough, water to adequately sustain our systems. That's like driving a car with the fuel gauge needle always pointing to E. Are we already driving on fumes, or do we have just enough fuel in the tank for one more trip? Then when we gas up, we only put in enough fuel to make the needle rise to the middle of the E. We'd wonder about the mental capacity of someone who did that to their car. Why do we do that to our bodies?

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


The water can alleviate many different medical conditions. The only way to know for sure is to try it yourself, with your doctor's supervision. Start by taking an inventory of how you feel right now. This is called a “baseline” and will help you notice the changes that occur as you become re-hydrated. Write down your physical statistics such as current weight, measurements around your arms, legs, waist, hips and chest. Make notes about how your joints feel, how your skin looks and feels, what your energy level is like, your mood, and so on. Date your baseline, and then begin re-hydrating yourself. Continue to keep notes about how you feel your mood, any aches or pains (or the absence thereof), range of motion you can achieve in your arms, back, neck, and so on. More than anything else, noticing the way you feel after some time on the water regimen will convince you that water is indeed a miracle cure.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Dehydration is Widespread

A conservative estimate indicates that about 80% of the populations of North America and Europe are chronically dehydrated. Almost everyone knows we should be drinking plenty of water, but very few people actually do it.
If there were an array of containers on a shelf, would you immediately know which one contained 64 fl oz of water, without thinking about it? Probably not. Comparing it only by volume to other beverages, 64 fl oz is roughly the same amount of liquid as four bottles of soda pop, or two quarts of milk, or a gallon jug of orange juice, or a full pot of coffee, or ten cups of tea, or two bottles of wine, or about six beers. We confuse “water” with fluids” and include juices, coffee, tea, soups, and soft drinks in the equation when we try to calculate how much liquid we take in. Consequently, we don't get enough actual water.

Diagnosing Dehydration

You cannot diagnose dehydration by many of the usual tests. Blood tests cannot reveal dehydration because very little of the water loss is evident in the blood. Dehydration occurs within the cells and from the cell structure.
The color of your urine may be an indication of dehydration. Normal urine is clear to light yellow. Darker urine definitely indicates dehydration, as the kidneys have had to concentrate the wastes to a smaller amount of available fluid in order to eliminate them. Just because your urine is not particularly dark, don’t think that you are sufficiently hydrated. The goal is to hydrate enough so that your urine is almost clear. Unless you know for sure that you are taking in half your body weight in fluid ounces per day, you can safely assume that you are dehydrated to some extent.
Only water can hydrate the body and cure the ailments that are caused by dehydration. The first step in treating any pain or illness is to fully re-hydrate the physical system. Only then can you begin to look at what other health changes might be necessary. If the damage is severe and prolonged, then it may be that the best you can hope for is a relief of pain and symptoms. Some ailments may be past the point where you can cure them with re-hydration.
Still, the benefits of re-hydration are certainly worth the effort.

Water and Sodium

Sodium, which we get from salt, is necessary to help manage water distribution in the body. Sodium raises histamine levels. Sodium also has an important role in cell function. It is transmuted into potassium in the presence of oxygen in the cell, and this reaction is initiated by electrical activity stimulated by water. In a way, this is cold nuclear fusion in operation at the molecular level. When cells are experiencing edema (fluid buildup) or inflammation (white blood cells reacting to toxic overload), there is a higher concentration of sodium within the cell. Correct levels of water are necessary to carry waste fluid and cell debris away from the cells so that a sodium-to-potassium conversion can take place and restore the balance in the cell, with the now excess potassium swept away to be urinated out. A level of potassium in the bloodstream that is too high results in a condition called hyperkalemia, and can cause cardiac arrest and death.
Water: The Miracle Cure
If you are concerned about the amount of sodium you are getting, talk to your doctor. When the body has been in a state of deficiency, caused by dehydration, for a long time, it must be carefully brought back into equilibrium. Before you change your sodium intake, or anything else, check with your doctor. The main thing is to get re-hydrated first.

Our Brains are 85% Water

Histamine is a vital chemical messenger in the brain. It regulates water distribution in the body, and is active only when the body begins to dehydrate. Its reaction to an area of the body suffering from drought is to produce pain. Headaches are a sign of dehydration. Most strong pain medications are antihistamines. That means they block the action of histamine in the brain. At that point, histamine is not able to regulate the distribution of water in the body. Therefore, pain and disease occur in the arts of the body where there is a severe lack of water.

Water Gives Cell Structure

If you've ever tried to build a sand castle at the beach, you know that the sand has to be wet so it will clump together enough that you can mold it into various shapes. Sand that start to dry, crumbles. Sand that is completely dry is just a handful of individual grains. On the other hand, when you pour too much water onto sand, it becomes overwhelmed by the liquid and washes away. Our cells are designed to handle an optimum amount of water to maintain their structure and carry out the hydrolytic and hydroelectric cellular processes necessary to keep us alive. Water carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and other chemical messengers to every part of the body. If we put too much water into our body, it cannot hurt us; the excess water just washes through our system.

We are Mostly Water

We are Mostly Water
Because our bodies are almost 75% water, just like the planet we live on, water is integrated into our physiological processes and constitutes an important part of each cell. Think about the process of water on a global scale: the polar ice caps, the vast saltwater oceans and freshwater lakes and rivers, the transition of water from ice to liquid to vapor and back again, the cycle of water evaporating from the surface of the Earth, condensing, raining, running down to the sea, where it again evaporates into the air. It's an amazing system, isn't it? At the cellular level, the process is no less amazing.

Water is necessary for every cell to function. It carries the tiny electrical charge that initiates cellular processes, such as converting sodium into potassium. It provides the medium for nutrients to go into the cell and for wastes to come out. It aids in digestion. It also transports toxic waste away
from the cells toward our organs of elimination. Water cleanses our internal system and flushes waste through the liver, kidneys, colon, lungs, and sweat glands so that toxins can be eliminated. Water is also necessary to regulate body temperature, and to lubricate our joints.
If there is an insufficient supply of water in the body, the system shunts water to the areas that need it the most for basic functions. These areas include the brain, the heart, lungs, and internal organs. This means that some remote parts of the body, such as the extremities, may not receive the vital elements provided by water. It's like trying to put out a fire with a squirt gun — there just isn't enough water available for the task at hand.
As an example, someone can be so dehydrated and consequently nutritionally deficient for many years, that the bones in the body are not able to maintain adequate strength, causing brittle bones and susceptibility to fractures later in life. These conditions have been observed among professional jockeys, who for decade resorted to desperate measure to rid their body of “water weight” in order to be at the lowest riding weight racehorse owners and trainers demanded. In addition to drinking diuretics, jockeys would spend considerable time in the “sweat box” or sauna, attempting to remove as much water as possible from their bodies before a race to reduce their riding weight.
This chronic dehydration took a terrible toll on them physically and mentally. In addition to the stress of having to reduce to, and maintain, an average of 20 lbs below their normal body weight, the extreme dehydration weakened them such that it was a continual act of will to then control a 1200 lb animal at a full-out gallop in dangerous racing conditions. Jockeys who fell often shattered bones in their legs, making recovery to riding condition almost impossible. Where most athletes, properly hydrated, might experience a break in one or two places in the leg, depending on the severity of the accident, jockeys could find their bones broken in a dozen places at once. Many jockeys eventually suffered problems such as kidney failure later in life, due to the prolonged effects of chronic dehydration, as well as the nutritional deficiencies from the desperate measures they took to reduce body weight. The body is a complex system, so a change in any one part of it is going to have an effect on other parts. We don't need to understand all the complexities of how the body functions. However, it is useful to see the role water plays in healing and cell repair processes so that we can identify our own symptoms of dehydration.

Waters Role in the Body

Water is not only life giving, but life saving. The importance of water to our health and its role in disease processes has rarely been considered. As we accept new ideas of natural healing and alternative medicine, we can look at water in a new way.
When we don't take in enough water each day, some parts of the body are forced to do without it. When our bodies become dehydrated, the first symptom is not thirst, or a “dry mouth”. Depending on your genetic makeup and lifestyle, dehydration shows up in other ways. You notice a dry mouth only after the body has been dehydrated for a long time, or when the need is critical. Our bodies are such miracles of adaptability that we can function reasonably well without adequate water for a very long time. We can go along for decades, harming our bodies without even realizing it.
And in all that time, we don't see the damage that is being done. Smoking, alcohol, toxic waste buildup, poor nutrition, stress, even living in a polluted environment — all of these things take time to create observable effects. By the time we finally notice a problem, we are already in big trouble!

We have been conditioned to believe that modern medicine and its arsenal of drugs and chemical solutions is the answer to most of our health problems. These potions seem to work for a time, but rising health care costs indicate that they are not complete cures. They only postpone the consequences and allow the biological clock to keep running a while longer. Thus more damage is done. Our bodies were created as a perfect interface between our brains and our external world. We are self-propelled, we can regenerate after wounds, and we replenish depleted energy through sleep and nourishment. Doesn't it make sense that we can also use natural substances around us to heal us? After all, what did we do during the more than 150,000 years of human existence before we could go to the drug store?

Water - A Magic Elixir

Welcome to my Water Miracles blog. Here you will learn about the water miracles and how different types of ailment can be cured by the water miracles.

What if you could get, for free, a miracle substance to alleviate symptoms of pain, depression, chronic fatigue, attention deficit disorder, stress, hypertension, back pain, peptic ulcer disease, migraines, arthritis pain, colitis, chronic constipation, kidney stones, heartburn, high cholesterol, morning sickness, and obesity?
You can. This wonder elixir is something we often overlook, yet it is available in unlimited quantities in almost every household. It is almost too simple to believe that even the water we get from our taps has the power to reduce and eliminate severe medical conditions. Yet in the next few pages you will see how water should be the treatment of choice for pain, inflammation, and autoimmune diseases. Instead of reaching for more drugs, that are increasingly expensive and often have negative side effects, we should drink more water instead. The water you use to treat your ailments doesn't have to be spring water or distilled; purified water from your household tap will do just as well.

We are Water Beings
We were created in water. Millions of years ago, deep in the darkness of the ocean bottom, life began around the geothermal vents in the earth's crust. Magma, seeping through rifts in the spreading sea floor to form new oceanic crust, heated cold seawater and created perfect conditions for life to thrive. Our natural progression evolved us into more advanced water dwellers that eventually crawled out of the seas and onto land for further evolution.
We are born in water. During the months before our birth we live in a world of water and nutrients. Submerged in this tiny ocean, we develop and grow until we are moved from our water environment into one of air. While in the womb, we acquire from our mother the blueprint for our life to come. Our bodies start out matching the processes of our mother's body, because we are dependant upon her. Until we are born, we take all our nutrients, sufficient or not, from our mother. In all of this, water is a crucial part of the process that brings us into this world.