Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Water Miracles Cure - Chronic Fatigue

Almost everyone complains about being fatigued on a consistent basis. For some people, it is a constant condition, with little relief in sight. Stress places a huge load on our systems, releasing adrenaline and cortisol into our bodies to prepare us for fight or flight. In our society, however, neither of those options is usually available to us, and instead we freeze. We cannot act on the stressful situations we have in our workplaces, our homes, on the road, or out in public. The fact that there is increased violence both in the workplace and on the streets testifies to the level of rage that is always just below the surface of our society. After the adrenaline boost, and the hyper vigilance we experience during times of perceived danger, there is a letdown as the body removes these chemicals from the bloodstream. This sends us crashing into fatigue. After a while, we don't even feel the boost any more, it has become so common in our lives. We certainly notice the fatigue, though.
Beyond the continual stress that fatigues us, is the simple lack of nutrition going into our bodies day by day. Fatigue becomes a vicious cycle. We are too tired to make a proper meal, so we grab fast food, snacks, or microwaveable food. The lack of nutrients in the food causes us to be even more tired, and we are even less likely to choose a healthy food that requires time for preparation. This increases the levels of toxic wastes that must be processed by our system, because there are so few real nutrients in what we eat. Not only does it take digestive energy to process these nonnutrients, but our bodies must continually cope with the rush of adrenaline, the sugar boost, and the inevitable letdown. Being fully hydrated allows the body's processes to work at optimum efficiency. This means that they do not continually have to shunt energy from one process to another just to keep us alive and going. Again, it's easily tested. Top yourself up with water and see how your energy level rises as well.

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