Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Water Miracles Cure - Acne

Many people think that chocolate and fatty foods are the cause of acne, but this is incorrect. Acne is caused by overactive sebaceous glands under the
Skin that secretes an oily substance through the pores on the face, shoulder and back. These pores can become clogged and inflamed by bacteria.
About 75% of all teenagers and young adults suffer from acne. In some cases it is so severe as to cause scarring, and often results in a lack of self-esteem due to the effects on one's appearance. An increase in water intake to full hydration helps all of the glands in the body operate neither at peak efficiency, neither being overactive nor under active. In flushing out toxins, water cleans the cells, the bloodstream, and the skin, reducing the opportunity for bacteria to survive. Rather than assaulting the skin of the face with harsh cleansers and topical treatments, treat acne with an adequate intake of water. This will assist the body in regulating the acne-causing mechanisms in the first place, and alleviate the inflammation from spots and sores.

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