Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Water Miracles Cure - Arthritis

Arthritis is inflammation of the joints, usually due to the reaction of the immune system to excess toxins in your tissues. It is a degenerative disease that scars and wears away the protective cartilages in your joint area, making movements painful, and sometimes twisting the joints out of shape. Degenerative diseases are also called autoimmune diseases. This means that our body's immune system turns against itself to attack and destroy what it perceives as substances that are harmful to the system. Toxic waste builds up in the tissues when there is insufficient water resource to remove the toxins from the cells and transport that waste to the elimination organs. The immune system correctly identifies those toxins as harmful and goes in for the kill. White blood cells, or macrophages, attack cells that have too much toxin in them. This causes inflammation and pain. Dehydration shrinks cartilage, making it less able to withstand stress and the buildup of toxins. But the toxins have to go somewhere, and since there is not enough water to carry them away, they build up around the cartilage sites. If you have any kind of joint pain, including carpal tunnel syndrome, start siphoning up that water right away! The only caution would be that if you have impaired kidney function, be sure you are working with your doctor on getting yourself re-hydrated. Take re-hydration slowly, and allow your body to catch up to a full state of hydration.

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